Conversations with Open Hearts & Inspired Minds
Spiritual Teacher of Deliberate Creation KAren Swain, invites people to share their awakening journey and their spiritual work on ATP Media, to expand the conversation of how to evolve human consciousness, realise our potential and advance human society. KAren has been presenting the New World Teachers for over 25 years on media and in live events. Meet amazing people and listen to today’s most inspired minds, change makers and difference makers, enlightening humanity and transforming our world to the next evolutionary step. KAren created ATP Media to teach people about their powers of creation, to expand the consciousness of our world as we ascend. These conversations will help you find answers to your burning questions about Life, Love, and the Universe, who you are, why you are here, what is possible for you, what you have to offer this world, and How you Make a Difference. Sharing our transformational stories changes the world. Are you courageous enough to share yours?
THANK YOU for supporting KAren’s work on ATP Media, we present amazing shows, guests teachers and speakers completely FREE, with NO adds or cost to you. You can support us with a one time offering, or on going support. If you’re not in the position to financially contribute, no worries, your friendship means the world..
we really appreciate you being a part of spreading Love and Expanding Consciousness


Rachel Corpus

Ken Lloyd

Ann Jonas

Louise Charman-James

Joanna Walden

Phoenix Montgomery

Jacquelin Smith

Barbara With

Julie and Craig McMahon

Judith Collins

Mick Turner and Kathryn Hand

Rachel Vaughan

Hydee Tehana

Heather Mays

Nancy Thames

Stargate Experience

Sandra Marie

Gene Ang Ph.D.

Paul King

Eesha Patel

Lee Chandler

Christine Day

Amrit Sandhu

Rebecca Austill-Clausen

Michelle Dado-Millynn

Jeff Selver

Michelle Desrochers

Debbie Straley

Kristin Mismash

Yan Grey

Jewels Arnes

Joshua Zuchter




2020… over and out


Shows From 2018

SHOWS on ATP Media with karen Swain in 2017

SHOWS on ATP Media with karen Swain in 2016…. NDE’s, Angels, ET’s, Afterlife and MORE!

Show in 2015 Healing, Smiles, Transitioning, Conscious Music, Movies and MORE

ATP Media Shows in 2104…PEACE DAY, Music, Magic Charity, Health, and Much More

Shows in 2103 Comedy, Enlightenment, Books, Coaching and much more

SHOWS 2012 I AM, Inspiration, Death, Art, Business, Charity and much more

Shows in 2011