Mind blowing truths about our universe, and where we come from.

A few years ago, after a winter filled with sickness, Kelly in her mid 50’s started seeking alternative ways to heal. She found the Wim Hoff Method and after using his breathing methods she reach altered states of consciousness. In her late 50’s, during a dark night of the soul, Kelly began counselling sessions, healing her inner child. This was pivotal in her development.
Her seeking changed her life forever and in 2022, during her last year of teaching, Kelly began to develop her spiritual and psychic abilities. Kelly is a retired Resisted Nurse, recently retired from 23 years teaching the Certified Nursing Assistant program.
Today Kelly works as an evidential medium, channel, and light language worker. She says her perception of reality has changed so completely over this last year, and her guides teach her daily about the expansiveness of the universe.
Kelly has written 2 BOOKS: ReDefining Faith, which tells her story of how her guides brought her through to understanding new abilities in a loving and gentle way, so that she wouldn’t think she was completely crazy!
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Her second book, Establishing your Frequency; a how to book for living and creating the life you want. The second part of the book includes the angels of the chakra system, they told Kelly, they each were going to write a chapter in the book. She says, she had what she would call, an energetic, anxiety, attack! But they were good to their word, and all came through. She finished her second book Establishing your Frequency thirteen months after she channeled her guides, Lacroose for the first time.
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Thought Leader and teacher of Deliberate Creation KAren Swain brings you wisdom from many spiritual teachers, thought leaders, change makers and difference makers on ATP Radio & Media. KAren is here to help you expand your awareness of what is possible and to remind you of your powers to create. KAren teaches from her broader perspective and guides; Blissful Beings
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