What does Peace mean to you?



A  word that evokes many different ideas in the hearts and minds of all who contemplate it. It’s something I have been working on for almost a year now. You see last year I attended a Peace Day march through the streets of Newtown in Sydney’s inner west to celebrate International Peace day.

Peace day march 2013It was dismal really, only a handful of people showed up and we attracted a few who wanted to shout at the top of their lungs, ‘NO MORE WAR’ as we cascaded through the city streets, one even went home to get his megaphone.

We arrived at Sydney Park to meet another handful of people and some musician friends who sang up a storm to the rather unappreciative crowd.

Brook, the organiser had asked me to talk on the subject of peace to his congregation, but as I looked out into the oh-so small crowd, all I really wanted to say was, why aren’t there more people here? Such a small turn out for such an important subject and global day of focus. I thought to myself.

Previously that year I had watched a documentary called ‘The Day After Peace,  by film makers and Peace One Day founder Jeremy Gilly. He documented his journey to get the UN to established a day of non violence and ceasefire during the year. The day would come to be known as Peace Day.

In September 2001, as a result of Jeremy’s efforts, a General Assembly resolution was unanimously adopted by UN member states, establishing 21st September as an annual day of global ceasefire and nonviolence on the UN International Day of Peace – September 21 ; Peace Day.

To prove the day can work as a path to change, Jeremy and Peace One Day Ambassador Jude Law travelled to Afghanistan to spearhead a campaign that over the years, has resulted in 4.5 million children being vaccinated against polio and provided aid to unreachable areas, as a result of Peace Day cease-fire agreements in the region.

The film spurred a passion in me which has fuelled my actions for the past year. I decided, if one man with a passion and a fire in his belly could affect so much change, I had to DO something to help him and to establish mass awareness of Peace Day here in Australia.  So together with Deborah Shepherd from Embrace Life Live Life wellness festivals, we decided to put on a Peace Day Festival like never before in 2014 at Bondi Beach to create awareness for the day, and thus Sydney Peace Day Festival was born.

We wanted the festival to be a celebration of the Peace we enjoy in Australia, as well as showcasing ways in which we can evolve more peace and wellbeing in our personal lives. We believe that Peace in the world starts with evoking and celebrating the peace within us.

It has been a mammoth effort, but oh boy has it been a fun one. It’s taken me away from my normal work of teaching deliberate creation to groups and individuals, but I must say, everyone who deals with me is being taught these principles. For to know the principles of LOA is one thing, but living them is a whole different ball game.

It is when we stretch ourselves and what we think is possible for us, that the principles of Law of Attraction and deliberate creation really come into play. As the saying goes, life starts at the end of our comfort zone, and when we stretch ourselves, we get a very clear picture of our subconscious belief patterns. The ones that establish who we think we are and what we think is possible.They literally rise up and smack us in the face. This is the only cause of the stress we put ourselves through. We meet our limiting beliefs and life is saying to us, in order to move forward with our dreams we have to overcome some of of our limiting beliefs. We have to transform them to match the bigger ideas and dreams within us.

I’ve had to deal with so many different people from healers, speakers to performers, singers, stall owners, PR people, marketing… you name it. When we embark on a journey as big as this, we meet a myriad of different people’s skill sets, ideas and talents. We also meet their beliefs systems and their ideas of right and wrong. Their beliefs about what is possible, and what isn’t.

Law of Attraction says; ‘that which is like itself is drawn,’ and so whatever we endeavour to do, we will draw to us the people who want to help us, but also the ones who have a similar belief system to us.

We know when we have overcome our limiting beliefs when we meet them in another, and we can find love and compassion in our hearts, when we see them living life with the same ideas we have had about what is possible, without judging them for being wrong. When we meet an old belief that no longer holds us, and we can love it. We know we have transformed  a limiting way of being to a more expanded one, we can see it for what it is and do not take life so personally.

This year on peace day find compassion for the ones you disagree with, see them as yourself, as you have been or could be if you believed what they believe. Peace on earth starts with us.  We must find it within to see it in the world.

Bless ks x

KAren Swain

Teacher Deliberate Creation


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