Well being Abounds

Well Being Abounds

Well-Being is by Far the Dominant Energy in Existence.

If you are not experiencing well-being, this is because you are thinking, or vibrating in a way that is not allowing source energy to thrive in you.

There is only One Source of Creative Energy, this is a flow of Pure Positive Infinite Creative Potential, which you can allow to flow abundantly by thinking in a way that aligns with it, or you can pinch off with your negative thinking.

Bliss, Joy, Abundance, Love and Well-Being are the source of your existence, you are a being of Pure Positive Energy. There is no source of evil, sickness or stress anywhere in the universe, there is only One Source, a flow of Abundant Well-Being. Stress, disease and unhappiness happens when you resist this Flow of Source.

When You Relax, You Let LOVE Flow.

You have come here to experience source energy dancing with a physical form in a dense vibratory existence. You knew from your broader perspective that this world has it’s challenges, and from this perspective you said you would remember your connection to your source, even in the face of much adversity.

All of Life is happening FOR you. You have created this world so you could stretch your knowledge of your capacity to Love, to heal, to overcome and to know your connection to source in more profound and powerful ways.

You are here to allow the contrast to inspire more desires within you, and to live all you can dream. Anticipate good things to happen, they are supposed to.

Your work is to live the Joy that is your Source, and in living your Joy you are able to uplift those who are seeking it.

“I have the capacity to love, and I have the ability to choose positive aspects over negative aspects. I don’t care how many negative aspects you show me, I Remember who I am… I Am a Lover.”

Love is you, Remember to feel it

Your Broader Perspective.. Blissful Beings

KAren Swain Magic

Is there a situation in your life which you would like to feel better about? Click here to book a guidance session with KAren and BlissfulBeings  allow more of your Well Being to flow.

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