Welcome to IS

Hello WELCOME To Our Inner Sanctum Tribe

Thank you so much for joining us on this exciting co-creative journey.

KAren Swain

You are a Difference Maker to the core, here to affect transformation within yourself, which will transform the collective consciousness of the planet.

While you are a part of this co-creative circle, you will learn, or remember many things about your innate powers of creation and connection to your source, or inner being. This will help you on your journey through this physical time space reality.

We welcome your burning questions , your stories of transformation and awakening, and look forward to serving you further.


KAren Swain & Blissful Beings  💜

In the Inner Sanctum online sessions, we meet twice a month online on the zoom platform, to support each other, have a place to share and discuss our awakening journeys and how we are helping others on their awakening journey. We activate and expand our intuitive abilities, expand our DNA as we remember we are the genius creators of our reality.  We are here to affect change within us, and on this planet, to make a difference in the lives of all who know us.

The webinars are on the zoom platform. You will need to download  zoom to join. This is a free platform, like Skype, which allows you to be seen and heard and you type questions or ask questions on video.

Each month we invite in special guest teachers to share their wisdom and their story with you. You have personal access to some of the brilliant teachers I have spoken with on ATP Media.

If you can not make the allocated time for the webinar we will send you the video recording to watch, and you can send in your burning questions to be answered.


You have asked and we are answering. Below are some of the questions people sent to us. We answered them and look forward to answering more of your enquiries. Together we are expanding human awareness, raising the level of consciousness on this planet.

The sessions are typically at 8, 9 or10am Sydney time on a Saturday or Sunday’s in the US. Sundays or Monday in AUS ..

Check your timezone here.

To join us online, you will be sent a link to join the webinar via email. Just click this link at the allocated time and you will be taken to the zoom platform, where you will meet KAren and others on-line for a fascinating and enlightening conversation and discovery session.

The online sessions are usually around an hour- and a half to two hours long. Sometimes longer. Thanks again for being a part of our Inner Sanctum Tribe, we so look forward to getting to know you better.

Remember to send me your burning questions to talk about  each month. See you online soon. BIG Love ks xx



You now have an opportunity to meet some of the guests KAren has speaks with on ATP Media.

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