Viviane Chauvet

We are here to awaken you to your True Self & Origins!

The Arcturian Collective

Viviane Chauvet

Viviane Chauvet is an Arcturian Holographic Matrix Master Healer, representing the advanced and enlightened Arcturian star civilization. Viviane’s emanation came to the planet as a biological Arcturian hybrid. She is in constant telepathic communication with her team of light, and serves as an ambassador between higher spheres of realities and the earth plane.

Her inspirational hybrid life story has touched the heart and soul of thousands of people throughout the world. Today, Viviane has a spiritual healing practice dedicated to assist people deeply heal in mind, body and spirit.

Viviane’s Galactic Family are conduits of Light Consciousness who create profound paradigm shifts at a planetary and collective level to move from fragmented energies of duality, to oneness. Part of their mission is to help human beings in reestablishing their true heart centred power, thus integrating soul fragments and accessing higher mental faculties.  

Visit Viviane’s Website:

Viviane on ATP Media June 2024


Arcturian Holographic Matrix Master Healer  Biological Decoding® Practitioner Blended Channel & Intuitive Consultant Certified Tuning Forks® Therapy Practitioner, Theta Healing® Practitioner Heart Math® Coach/Mentor.

March 2022

Viviane as our guest speaker in the Inner Sanctum Online Sessions

June 2020

Vivian share her fascinating story on ATP Media 

Be Apart of the SHIFT

Viviane Chauvet is a Arcturian Holographic Matrix Master Healer,

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