Valerie Barrow is a star-lady – she was not born into an earthly body, there was an agreement with the soul that was born into this body, that there would be a SOUL exchange, which took take place in February 1969, after a near-death experience.
Valerie is one of the 144,000 light-bearers who volunteered to come to Earth to assist in the up grade, or shift in human consciousness at this time on earth. To help Earthlings understand a major evolvement from star beings is taking place, along with, “How the first Humans were created,” and our journey into a New Golden Age.
Valerie has been through many initiations over the past 40 years, which she shares in her books. (see links below)
Valerie has couple of books out;
- ALCHERINGA – When the First Ancestors were Created includes the French translation of called .. Contact with the Pleiadiens.
- STARLADY – The True Story of Valérie and Mr Dickens and other lifetimes spent with John Barrow which includes TWO SOULMATES – Walking Through Time and History, The Book of Love, by a Medium.
She has given many talks around the world sharing the knowledge she receives from her Star Mentors. She was introduced to her future self from the Galaxy Andromeda M31 and regularly channels messages from the stars. Because she works closely with the ancient creator ancestor ALCHERINGA, who is well known by most Indigenous people, she is also on a mission to assist others with knowledge that was first given to the Indigenous people in their dreaming stories.
Get Valerie's Books on our links below

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