Sabine Poncelet

Sabine Poncelet

Raised in Belgium, Sabine has been living in Dubai for around 11 years. She believes what she does in the Arab world deserves to be more known, and expanded all over the world. She says: many still believe that the Arab world is not open to energy healing, telepathic and animal communication, but she feels this is a place she could really spread her wings as an energy healer and communicator.

Before becoming a full-time entrepreneur, Sabine was a financial controller and Tax professional, who felt stuck in a life that she never really wanted. So she gave up the security of the 9-6, to pursue her passion. She believes no matter what our dreams, or the obstacles are, we all have the power to change our lives, and by doing so, will change the world.

Sabine is a natural Animal Communicator and gifted intuitive, who communicates telepathically with many beings, along with animals from the age of 7 yrs old. By the end of 2019, she naturally attuned with light language, after meeting her first Galactic Angelic beings. Some of them became spiritual guides, and now they work as a team.

Today Sabine does light language for animals, noticing that too often we reserve this for humans. At first she only did this for humans, until one day she applied light-language in an animal’s session and found the results, combined with healing and animal communication, to be amazing.

Sabines mission is to help men & women in their awakening process, to change people’s consciousness, skyrocket  inner power, and raise vibrations.‘’I’m here to serve. My company is built on a foundation of love, a passion for what is possible, and a commitment to being an unstoppable force for Good.”

June 2023

Sabine Joined us in The Inner Sanctum Online Group Sessions. She got up at 2 am to be with us and share her wisdom. Enjoy our conversation!



Sabine’s Credentials:

Certified NLP & Life Coach (RSCI), Multidimensional Healer specializing in healing complex PTSD.

Transpersonal Regression Therapist (certificate recognized by the EU. Association for Regression Therapy and certified by the International Board for Regression Therapy, USA)

Regression Therapist (IPARRT) with a postgraduate specialty in Soul surgery, Deep Tissue Memory, DNA Regeneration, and Body Integrity.

Clinical Hypnotherapist (CHII) & Flash Hypnosis ® (IEHI) Reconnective Healing® Practitioner – Dr. Eric Pearl

Life Coach, NLP Coach (RSCI)


Natural Animal Communicator and Healer

Arcturian Light Healing Practitioner

Theta Healing® DNA3 & Intuitive Anatomy Practitioner

Life Between Lives Practitioner – Lee Pascoe / Dolores Cannon

Light Language transmission

Usui Traditional Reiki Master

Be Apart of the SHIFT

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