Rachel Vaughan


Rachel Vaughan is a whistle-blower, researcher, public speaker, and childhood survivor of ritual abuse and MKUltra mind-control programming. A Psychic medium, with 21 years of professional reading experience, as well as a lifetime of interactions with the spirit world, Rachel is an eternal optimist, who maintains we are all immortal souls having a human experience who can attain peace and success, despite our trauma.

Rachel has spent the past 18 years on a healing journey, starting when she recognised she chose her father from her souls perspective.  But she has also spent 18 years imploring the Australian authorities to investigate the cult that abused her as a child in the 1970’s and 80’s. Whilst some incarcerations have taken place, she continues to be frustrated with certain individuals in power who refuse to properly investigate multiple crimes.

Rachel funds herself by giving readings as a psychic medium; as well as teaching a psychic development course covering – how to read auras; psychic protection; how to manifest ethically; and how to identify earth energies such as ley-lines and portals.

Over the past four years Rachel has become acutely aware of a large swathe of humanity experiencing a spiritual ascension. During this process many incarnate souls have come to understand the depth of depravity of those who held power on Earth for millennia. She passionately believes that the current ascension process of Earth, fuelled by humanity’s collective spiritual awakening, can facilitate a change from the current satanic system into something we will be proud to pass on to our children and grandchildren.



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