The Zeta Connection Paul Hamden and Sy Ann

Paul and Sy Ann are both life-long contactees of the Zeta race, with clear conscious recall of their contact without needing regression therapy to recall their experiences.
Paul and Sy Ann work with people to help them understand their extraterrestrial and paranormal experiences – their website contains a lot of information about the race they work with, free publications and videos for people to engage with. They run free training sessions to empower people to develop their own natural abilities, as well offering private training groups covering many different metaphysical subjects and occasionally offer public sittings for people to speak with the Zeta’s beings and Spirit people that they work with.
Pauls earliest memories of being visited are from 18 months old and in 1978, Paul and three friends witnessed, what is now referred to as a ‘tic tac’ craft no more than ten meters away. In 2013 in New South Wales, Paul arranged for a craft to come – and it physically landed with 20 people present.
SyAnn’s earliest memories of contact with the Zeta are from 4yrs old, when he was introduced to small boy of a similar age. She met the same boy on board a craft several years later – this boy was Paul. Both she and Paul have the same shared memory of time on board craft, as well as many other experiences on craft with the Zetas.
Around 25 years ago Pauls relationship with the Zeta’s entered into a conscious two way interactive training process. This resulted in the facilitation of many healings by the Zeta’s, for people with diseases and physical injuries. SyAnn has been undergoing this training for the last 15 years and is in the early stages of the this process. And For the last 6 years or so, they have been working with her when she creates art, embedding their energy into her paintings. They have regular visitation by the Zeta’s to their home, including craft visits which are experienced, photographed and recorded by others.
Through Paul, the Zeta’s have communicated much information over the years, which has been studied by scientists, resulting in the co-authorship and publication of many books by a retired ex-government communication scientist, such as the; “A Primer of the Zeta Race” and “The Zeta Interviews.” Their latest book – “The Zeta mind” is a short handbook for individuals who wish to learn how to safely contact extraterrestrial races.
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