Nicole has spent over two decades exploring human potential. After a near-death experience and sudden loss of several family members, she was thrust into the complex field of non-ordinary realms, where she learned how to collaborate with their capacity for positive change. She has made it her life mission to help people who experience NOTEs (Non Ordinary Transcendent Experiences) to make the most of these exceptional events and share their gifts with the world. (We are very aligned in this intention)
Dr. Nicole Gruel has a Doctorate in Integral and Transpersonal Psychology. She’s a Board Member of IANDS (International Association for Near Death Studies), Co-Founder of IANDS Sharing Groups Online, Mentor for Life Coaches at ACISTE (American Centre for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences), Gifts Compass™ Advisor and Training Facilitator, Past NSW/ACT President of the Australian Association of Psychological Type (AusAPT), certified Counsellor, and certified Life Coach with Strategic Intervention and ACISTE. She has also trained in various healing, movement, and energy psychology modalities. Visit Nicole’s website here
Get Nicole’s BOOKS Below
Nicole’s books include, her latest – THE POWER OF NOTES: Women of the Wise Earth and Dancing with Dragons. Get the books on our Affiliate links below and support the show. Get Nicole’s Books Click the Images Below
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Thought Leader and teacher of Deliberate Creation KAren Swain brings you wisdom from many spiritual teachers, thought leaders, change makers and difference makers on ATP Radio & Media. KAren is here to help you expand your awareness of what is possible and to remind you of your powers to create. KAren teaches from her broader perspective and guides; Blissful Beings
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