Neale Donald Walsch

"You think your life is about you, it is not. It’s about all those you touch." CWG

Neale Donald Walsch Karen Swain

Neale Donald Walsch has written 39 books on contemporary spirituality and its practical application in everyday life. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his early adult years thriving professionally, yet searching for greater meaning in life. He has said that this yearning led to a series of deeply personal spiritual encounters, which he experienced as direct exchanges with the Divine.

A series of books titled Conversations with God, emerged from these moments, which have now been translated into 37 languages. Seven books in the series reached the New York Times bestseller list, Conversations with God-Book 1 remaining there for over two-and-a-half years.

Neale presents online retreats and lecture programs around the world, focusing on what he calls; the most important question facing humanity today. That question: Is it possible that there is something we don’t fully understand about God and about Life, the understanding of which would change everything?

The God Solution, published in December, 2020, invites humanity to embrace a new global ethic based on a refined and clarified definition of God. The book proposes that there is a single statement of spiritual truth upon which all the world’s religions could agree, and which would birth a shift of spiritual paradigms around the globe of such magnitude that it would produce peace and happiness on our planet at last.

See more books below on our Amazon links.

Neale lives in southern Oregon with his wife, the American poet Em Claire. For more information, Visit Neale’s website here

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