Inspirational Movies

Enjoy some of our inspirational movies 

Why do bad things happen to good people

The world is becoming more aware of the power we have to create what we want. As a human race we are waking up to our power to deliberately manifest, or create our world. Law of Attraction is on the lips of many discerning people these days and it’s a conversation well worth having. Now is the time to Allow your dreams to flow. Be involved in one of the most powerful conversation you will ever have.

A question about money, happiness and freedom 

Accentuate the Positive Self Empowerment Talk Back Radio.

A caller chats with KAren Swain, on her Deliberate Creation Law of Attraction Radio Show about Money, work, children, finding peace of mind and FREEDOM…

How does the Law Of Attraction work in our life? How do I allow my Happiness and freedom?


Music “a hundred thousand Angels” by the UK band “BLISS” Who and what are the Angels? How are we connected to them? What if feeling good is the same power as Angels? What if you could have everything you want just because you want it?

What if?

Deliberate Creation is about deliberately choosing to think in a way that feels good no matter what life is showing you:

What if feeling good is the same power as feeling GOD?

What if you could have everything you want just because you want it?

Music by Bliss (UK)

Feel like a Winner

This film is a Abraham Hicks Inspiration. What can you create today? What is possible for you when you feel good? How are you going to live the life you dream of? We have created this little film to help you tune into your natural Abundance.

Music; Moby “Everloving”.

Who can you be?

What can you create today? What is possible for you when you feel good? How are you going to live the life you dream?

Learn the answers to these questions by knowing how to utilise the powerful Law of Attraction. Live a life of connection, inspiration, fun and JOY. Music Angel Gabriel, by Lamb.

100,000 Angels

You have been born into an environment that supports your every desire. All you need to do to have want you want is to FEEL the love that you are. You are LOVED and ALL is well.

To purchase this amazing album bliss 100,000 Angels, please go to… Music by Bliss (UK)

Predictions 2011 Dreams come True

This is YOUR Predictions for 2011 This is what you will experience this year. ENJOY.. Blissful Beings

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Go with the flow

Deliberate Creation is about deliberately choosing to think in a way that feels good no matter what life is showing you;

What if feeling the power of feeling good is the power of GOD?

Guidance Find your JOY

Abraham Hicks inspired guidance. Why are you here on Earth?

To have more JOY!

Love JOY GUIDANCE Stream Well-Being that flows from Non-Physical Source and explains how manifestation occurs.

YOU are Magic

We are here to guide you to your magic to attract your dreams.

Love is you, Remember to feel it.

 Music by bliss (UK)

State of Grace

What is real? what is your true nature? You were born into a state of grace Music by UK band Bliss
