Moonwalker Tucker   

Moonwalker (Samantha) Tucker     

On 8 October 2010 Moonwalker, (Samantha) Tucker wrecked her motorcycle, watching her arm get ground off.  As she lay bleeding in a ditch, she experienced a deeply profound near-death out of body encounter. While her heart was pumping blood out at an alarming rate, she felt her life force leaving her body. Her consciousness disassociated from her self-sabotaging mental loop, and she saw her life from a different perspective, one free of all the filters, conditioning, and assumed truths that had created her reality up to that point. In that moment of clarity, Moon chose to allow what is, and surrendered to what was, by not playing the victim anymore. The second she released the past, took responsibility, and dropped the excuses, Moon was filled with an awareness of how she had created every aspect of her life.

For the first time, she saw and understood how our beliefs become our life; and how we can shift our reality, by changing what we believe.  In less than three minutes, her true core values were revealed, and her beliefs began to change. She was able to see her true Self and life as a journey filled with infinite possibility.

In 2015 Moon became interested in archery, attracting  a Paralympic gold medalist who taught her how to shoot a bow with her teeth!  He exposed her to the subconscious mind through a book called; With Winning in Mind; by Lanny Bassham. After devouring the book, Moon became a history-making Paralympic archer, the first woman to represent the USA in open compound archery, in Rio de Janeiro’s 2016 Paralympic games..

Drawing on her near-death experience, and with more than 10 years study on inner healing technologies, sciences, ancient and modern healing systems, Moon is now the founder of Moonwalker Life Academy, and a star of AwakeningGIANT’S TV, inner healing guide, an impact speaker,  Kambo practitioner, workshop facilitator, podcast guest, and history-making Paralympian.

Moonwalker is driven to serve humanity, helping people to see their innate value, purpose, and prosperity.  Her clients cry and laugh, as they see themselves differently during their transformational healing journey.


July 2023

Listen to Moon as our guest  speaker in The Inner Sanctum Online Group Sessions


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Thought Leader and teacher of Deliberate Creation KAren Swain brings you wisdom from many spiritual teachers, thought leaders, change makers and difference makers on ATP Radio & Media. KAren is here to help you expand your awareness of what is possible and to remind you of your powers to create. KAren teaches from her broader perspective and guides; Blissful Beings

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