Michelle Darlington

Seed it upA61R0904Listen to my fab chat with Seed it Up Founded  Michelle Darlington on ATP Radio. Her aim with Seed it Up is to raise awareness of growing our own food from SEED. Michelle has a passion for sharing the joy of fresh food and a strong desire to encourage people to live more Sustainable and Inspiring lives. These core values served as a platform to launch Seed It Up and help set the course for this slightly ‘eclectic’ business. Seed It Up’s Mission:

  • Inspire people to follow their dreams
  • Connect to nature
  • Lend a hand to those in needs
  • Have Fun in the process

The Offering

We want YOU to ‘Grow Your Own Organic Food’ ASAP and experience the delicious joy it brings so, everything we sell comes with seeds…YEP Everything!

Who we SEED

Our Aim is to Seed Inspiration from the Soil To the Soul and we love to help others where we can. Currently:

  • $1 Dollar from every web sale goes to the Carevan Foundation, helping to feed the homeless in rural Australia
  • We also support a variety of Not for Profit organisations helping to raise funds and awareness of their organisations.
  • Can we help you?

Join KAren each Saturday from 8-11:30 AM for Breakfast on FM99.3

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