Called ‘THE ALIEN LADY,’ Mary Rodwell  is the founder of ACERN; Australian Close Encounter Resource Network, and has been helping people activate and remember their life’s calling and multidimensional selves, while supporting and counselling the difference makers here to transform our world for over 30 years. 

Mary is recognised internationally as one of Australia’s leading researchers and writers in the UFO and contact phenomenon areas. She has researched more than 3000 cases and suggests extraterrestrial encounters are a global phenomenon and this is evident in the new humans referred to as star children.

Mary affirms that star children exhibit a maturity and wisdom beyond their years and have an awareness and connection to spiritual realms. ‘Indigo’s’ or ‘crystal’ children as they are also known have telepathic abilities, are spiritually awakened, and can describe many species of non-­‐human visitors with a feeling that they are as real to them as their ‘real’ family, because they feel supported by them.

Mary Rodwell

Mary is the author of the highly acclaimed book ‘Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life’ (2002); and producer of EBE award winning documentaries:- Expressions of ET Contact: A Visual Blueprint. (2000), and Expressions of ET Contact: A Communication and Healing Blueprint? (2004). Her book ‘The New Human’ released 2016, describes and documents star children.

Read more about Mary here.   ACERN Website 


19/20 May 2024 


6/7 September 2020

Mary joined us again in The Inner SAnctum as a guest teacher to meet and chat with our online tribe. ENJOY some highlights.  Join our online sessions here 

Facebook  Q & A live with Mary and KAren April 25 2020 

Show JUNE 2019

Mary Rodwell is the founder of ACERN, (Australian Close Encounter Resource Network,) a Healer, Activator, Therapist & Spiritual Mentor to an awakening humanity. Today Mary speaks about caring for the Star children, StarSeeds, Galactic Humans & New World Teachers. Changing the human paradigms, awareness of our multidimensional realities and how we can connect to our galactic families. We DO an Activation connect with your Spirit & Galactic Guides at the END of our conversation. ENJOY 😌

Mary Rodwell and KAren Swain

Show November 2016

Mary and I kept talking after our conversation on ATP Media, and after about 10 minutes I hit the recorder again and this is what I recorded. We chat a lot about the upcoming Afterlife Explorers Conference and Close Encounters conference and how people are activated there, and how their lives are changed because of it. We also discuss our Mandates here on earth…. ENJOY

    29 January 2016

ET lady Mary RodwellKAren Swain from Blissful Beings & ATP Radio and Kathryn Hand from the Afterlife Explorers Conference & Hills Hypnotherapy, came together to host the Afterlife Explorers Show on a new interactive streaming platform Blab,  interviewing founder of ACERN Mary Rodwell.  We discussed the NEW Humans, ET’s, Healing Telepathic abilities, Star Children and much more.

Find out about the true nature of our multidimensional souls, from the encounters her clients have with extraterrestrial beings. Mary is also working with children who have past life recall on other planets and the awareness these ”Starseeds” are bringing to humanity.

new humans

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Thought Leader and teacher of Deliberate Creation KAren Swain brings you wisdom from many spiritual teachers, thought leaders, change makers and difference makers on ATP Radio & Media. KAren is here to help you expand your awareness of what is possible and to remind you of your powers to create. KAren teaches from her broader perspective and guides; Blissful Beings

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