Inspiring Stories

It only took overnight!

From Mary in Colorado; Abundance: Cool, huh?

I was watching a love movie the other night and the gorgeous gal in the movie told her dad how it would make her deliriously joyful if someone would be gift her with a huge bouquet of white lilies since they were her favourite flower.  I thought “boy, that would make me ecstatic too.”

The next day I was getting ready to go to the grocery store and as I began to turn into the store a voice said “Today go to the other grocery store.”  So, I did.  Upon entering the store I saw a huge grocery cart filled with white lilies.  Since it was after Easter weekend they were on sale for $2 each.  “Wow! I thought; “I’ll get three and make that big bouquet I wanted!”  At that very moment a gal who worked there walked up to the cart filled with the delicious lilies and said “Hi! Want some of these?”  “Oh yes, I am going to get three-they are so beautiful!”  Whereupon she said “Just take what you want.  In fact, take the whole cart.”!!!!!!!!! I did!! I came home with 14 beautiful pots of white beautiful lilies that now fill my house!!  As I walked to my car with this shop cart full of free lilies I thanked the Universe for her bouquet to me.

Cool, huh?  It only took overnight!! Mary.


No one on this planet knew what I had asked for

From Darryl in Sydney Australia;

Hi Beautiful. Well I came home on Sunday night from spending my usual weekend at my special beloved Ken’s house. It was cold and dark and I felt like taking a walk around my suburb. I walked and meditated and Thanked the Universe for being so happy and abundant and said, “God if I am on my right path, give me a sign….mmm show me an owl.” (That’s my favourite bird) I looked up at the beautiful autumn trees expecting to see or hear a hoot or big eyes looking at me. Nothing. I walked on and forgot about it and my thoughts turned elsewhere.

On arriving back home, the phone was was Ken. “Darryl,” he said “You are not going to believe this. I was upstairs when the dogs were making a commotion downstairs, so I went there and to my surprise an OWL had flown into the back room and was sitting on the curtain rail and staring at me.”

Needless to say I was speechless..No one on this planet knew what I had asked for —yet all did. Lots of love Darryl


 Around the world in 90 days

From Malcolm W Walsh in Sydney:

I always thought it would be cool to see the world, from a young age I would see my friends travel around the globe and hear there stories. But I was insecure and unsure to do it myself so I put the ideal out of my mind. Also I thought I didn’t have enough time or money.

So years down the track I meet a wonderful girl called KAren and she asked me one day what you would like to do with your life if money was no problem and I said I would really like to see the world. Then soon after that at my work they introduced a new work place agreement where you could take three months off work without pay and I thought who would take all that time off work without pay.

After that about two months had passed Karen and I were at a spiritual workshop with a lady from America and she asked us if we were married and we said no and then she said she would like to marry us that day. So we just went with the flow and we got married that day, we were at a friends house and Karen borrowed some clothes and then some rings appeared and a brown paper bag filled with rose petals. It was a wonderful wedding with lots of excitement and joy.

Then two weeks after that a friend said that she would like to give us a trip around the world and she said, I want you to take three months to see it. This was her gift to us so we had a honeymoon around the world. We went from swimming in the Ganges, to blistering wind at Stonehenge, to climbing on pyramids, to meditating at Mary Magdalene’s Grotto in France, to the subway in the big apple to, shoveling snow from our front door in Itheca, to the beach near LA to the Mexican Rivera, to the ski slopes of Colorado, to the land of the long white cloud.

As you can see we certainly saw all what we wanted to see, and what I learnt from this whole experience was you can have everything you want as long as you appreciate and are grateful for everything that is your life in this moment, then more can come to you. So dreams do come true when you let them in.  Malcolm Walsh.


‘Wouldn’t be nice if?’

From Lisa in Australia…

These past few months my partner and I went into a business venture. No matter how much light and positive thought I put into the venture it left me quite a bit in debt. To add to that I had made the decision to drop a major accounting client due to a conflict of ethics. In February I found myself faced with high payments, low-income and a really large uncertainty in life’s direction. In addition to all of this there was a workshop I wanted to do in the states that I had been told was sold out and at least 4 in front of me on the waitlist.

I was feeling at a loss as this was just not suppose to happen to me. I had done years of work around Financial Abundance and it had been a really long time since I found myself struggling. The only thing coming through from my guides was get the new Abe Book. All I could think of was great… here I am struggling with money and you want me to spend more!

I gave the book a quick read and picked the process “Wouldn’t it be nice if.. “Life was just to busy to add to much more in to it and it was the process that radiated to me first.

When I was asking the universe to provide for me I realized I was using the wrong wording. Using words such as Find me more work.. Pay my bills. Take this struggle from me. I was sending out the vibration of lack. I am missing something I can’t pay my bills. I am lacking in money. Nothing was coming to me as I was sending out the vibrations of lack.

The process switched this by changing the words to “Wouldn’t it be nice if all my bills were paid and in the fashion I am a custom to, no thought as to how that would happen…. just a “wow, wouldn’t that be nice.”

Wouldn’t it be nice if I found the perfect job that offered me money and Freedom… Wouldn’t it be nice if I could go to the Mediumship course in Laguna… Wouldn’t it be nice If I sat next to the ocean sipping ice tea, watching the sunset. After each “Wouldn’t it be nice thoughts.” I would feel the smile and the warmth fill my body as I thought about the joy that would bring into my life.

Each time I got stressed, about what was happening around me, I would mentally play my game. Which by this point was quite often as I was still struggling with the changes around me.

After two weeks of my game, I was traveling to a client’s office and my phone rang.. my partner called to tell me she had just won $100,000 on a scratchie after a very excited phone call and a little convening she was telling the truth. I knew money dramas had just gone away. When I reached worked to check emails there was an email from the course in Laguna saying a place was available and did I want it.

“Wouldn’t it be nice if”…?


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