Marina Seren born in 2000 is an experiencer from Madrid Spain. A psychic medium, extrasensory-seer, a conscious channeller of her Higher Mind, an intuitive artist, an ET contactee, and abductee, a hybrid alien mother, MILAB/MK-ultra survivor, and a Secret Space Program psychic super-soldier / insider.
In the year 2015 when Marina was 15, the wake-up call encoded in her DNA activated, and she started the path of her spiritual awakening and the recovery of her memories. She received intense downloads on the structure of consciousness and existence, and information about what’s really going on on Earth, the real history of mankind, and her mission is here. At that time Marina observed her Star-seed / hybrid nature, as well as the indigo/crystal energy of her aura. She experience the awakening of her psychic abilities and ancient knowledge.
The dormant DNA codes placed by other beings activated, and Marina remembered her hybrid genetic implants and her role in the First Contact event. She also remembered being visited by ET/ED entities, guides, counterparts, and star families, meeting them in her astral or lucid dreams, and travelling to their planets. This evoked memories some of her ET and Earth past lives.
Marina says; “ I would be taught in spacecraft schools about psychic abilities and metaphysics, as well as receiving spiritual guidance. I started to experience consciously my contribution to the ET Hybrid Programs, after an intense sexual encounter with my Plieadian counterpart and meeting my alien-hybrid children on ships.”
Paralleling this memory her experience with the military also came to light. She experienced military harassment, gang-stalking, and covert abductions by (MILAB), she battled a spiritual fight until her liberation, which would come with her dark night of the soul, and the awakening of her consciousness.
She says; “I would also recall my experiences in the Secret Space Program and my Super Soldier training, as well as the Trauma-based Mind Control that I was put under for the goal of eventually using me as their asset, after months of psychic training and programming. “
Today Marina is sharing her experiences to reveal the ET presence on earth with a move towards disclosure. She is working on many educational projects teaching spiritual wisdom, metaphysical knowledge and info about first contact. Marina is also an artist and musician channeling codes and frequencies from higher realms of existence
Some of Marina’s Graphic Art

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