Lightworkers and Money What is Divine Abundance?

Does Money have a Soul?  Can we give money a soul, or is money the reason our world is so unbalanced, corrupt and in need of a new paradigm in the way we exchange goods and services? These are some of the questions we discuss this month with Teresa de Grosbois, Swami and Jana Beeman.

How as lightworkers can we participate in a system which is responsible for much of the injustice corruption and pain in our world? Can we heal the world and be a force for attraction for wealth, money and abundance?

Have a listen below to our group discussion on October 2017 with Teresa de Grosbois and Swami and below that with Intuitive business coach for Lightworkers and changemakers, Jana Beeman. I have also included a Ted Talk by the incredible Lynne Twist, author of The Soul of Money, in which she describe the flow of money so beautifully.

Enjoy and please connect with me if you feel you could use some help and guidance overcoming any blocks you feel you may have around attracting more abundance. 🙏 💕


Jana Beeman: Create Your Dream Business

Living in the fifth dimension


Read my channeled Article on A New Paradigm in Living Abundance



Lynne Twist : The SOUL of Money

The principle of Sufficiency: What you Appreciate Appreciates


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