Krista Gorman

krista gorman nde
Krista Gorman, PA-C, is a physician’s assistant in ER, Krista experienced an NDE while giving birth to her daughter in 2000, where she met Angels and Benevolent beings who showed her who she truly is and answered all her questions about life, love and the universe.

“In the summer of 2000 during induction of labor, what should have been a routine procedure turned into a medical nightmare that nearly took Krista’s life and the life of her unborn baby. Krista suffered an amniotic fluid embolism that led to cardiopulmonary arrest where she was without a heartbeat for eight minutes. During that time, her soul transitioned to the afterlife where she was engulfed in a most profound blissful love, a love that completely transformed her. She encountered spirit beings that wanted her help, and other spirit beings that gave her the choice to return with the condition of using and sharing what she learned with others. Fear prevented her from doing it, and fear ruled her as she struggled for many years integrating back into her old life. When crisis hit her family, Krista knew it was time to start living the life she came back to live, and fulfill the promise she made in the afterlife. Using the knowledge she was given, Krista transformed into the love she knew herself to be, a transformation that ultimately saved her entire family. Krista shares the Twelve Principles For Daily Living that are tools she used to realign herself with the love she was in the afterlife, a love that resulted in profound healing. When practiced on a daily basis, they have the potential to create a heaven on earth.”

Listen to my fascinating conversation with a wonderful Teacher of Love and hear what our source wants us to remember about who we are and what is possible for us when we know. We chat about Law of Attraction towards the end and give some tips on how to get what you want!

Visit Krista’s Blog here 


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