Kathy; Lisa; Lola

My daughters dream house

From Kathy Sydney:

Today Danielle, my daughter, got something she wanted that she had been visualising. She asked me how to get a wooden dolls house with at least 3 rooms and some stairs. I told her to decide exactly what she wanted; picture it in your mind, I told her, and make a space for it in your room as if you absolutely expects it to turn up. Then keep imagining having it.

We decided where it would go in her room and moved things around so it would fit. We looked for garage sales but found nothing. In the letterbox we received some brochures for toys, so we cut out a picture of a dolls house similar to the one she had been dreaming about. In fact she saw 2 and had a hard time deciding which was best – she liked the balcony on one and the sloping roof on the other. I told her that we would look at the garage sales in the paper again next Saturday and in the mean time we need to keep believing it will show up.

Then today, Sunday, while I was out driving I saw, out of the corner of my eye, something which looked like Danielle’s dream dolls house. I had drop my other daughter some place first, but when I went back to the street where I had seen it, low and behold it was a wooden dolls house exactly the right size with 3 or 4 rooms and stairs! Not only that, it has a sloping roof and a balcony. Like a combination of those she’d seen in the brochures! I scooped it up and brought it home. It fitted exactly into the space we had arranged for it in her bedroom and Danielle was delighted! It is less than a week since she talked about wanting her dream dolls house, and now she has it!

New Love

From Lisa in California…

I want to tell you something about my partner and me. I reunited with him, my 4th grade boyfriend, after 35 years.  We were each other’s first kiss when we were 10 years old!!  He had been trying to date me for years, but I always ignored him.  I have to say, I really admired his persistence, and I finally went out with him.  I knew within five minutes we were going to be together, and we are!!  His name is Dale.  This is the best, happiest, easiest relationship either one of us has ever had; it’s like it was meant to be.  We were so comfortable with each other right from the start, it was so easy it was almost strange.  But anyway, a couple years after we were together, we had been cleaning the garage and I found a big box of all my travel mementos.  Later that night we were going through them and in there I found a little 4”x6” book from my childhood, a Girl Scout friendship book that I didn’t even remember having.  It’s a little book where a young girl would paste a school picture of her friends and write a little biography of them.  Well, I was telling Dale, “I wonder what this is doing in here with all my travel stuff.  Where did this come from?”

I opened the book and there were only two pictures that had been put in the book by me when I was 10 years old.  One was of me, looking pretty dorky, wearing cat girl glasses.  The other picture was Dale!!  Ten years old, looking pretty cute, I must say.  Next to our pictures I had written (when I was 10)   “Lisa loves Dale.”  “ Dale and Lisa forever.”  For Dale’s favourite sport, I had written “Lisa, I hope!!”  I had written his parents phone number in there, and they still have that same number to this day, and that was in 1969!! You can imagine our surprise, we were laughing so hard.  That book now sits on our coffee table and people are always curious about it when they see it.  We will probably use those pictures of two innocent 10-year-olds for our wedding announcement.  Of course, to Dale, it’s just proof that I should have dated him years ago, instead of making him wait 35 years.  But you know, timing is everything….



From Lola in Argentina…

Once upon a time there was a lonely lady named Lola, whose only company at home, after the separation from her husband, was her two small children. They were doing ok until one morning her youngest son of 12, discovered someone had tried to break into their house. Lola felt herself and family to be very vulnerable and she became afraid. Afraid the thief might come back to try again, afraid that she was alone as a single mother and afraid that no one would be there to protect her.

But as if by magic, a few days before the attempted break in she had met three beautiful Australia women who were in Argentina on holiday.

These three young ladies were visiting Argentina on their way to Brazil. So taken by their friendliness Lola showed them her city and shared her home, her family and her love of yoga with them. She also shared her comfort and food, when they too underwent a miserable experience as one of the women had her wallet stolen with all her travel money and her travel documents in it.

Lola made things easier for them, and the Australian girls taught their Argentinean friend to look at her traumatic situation in this way:

It is not that your house has no angelical protection ……….it has such a protection that even though the thieves tried to break into the house. They could not get inside because of the protection of your angels.

Later the girls decided to name their Argentinean friend their angel, and so Lola also decided to name the Australian ladies her Australian angels.

Lola decided, through her encounter with her Australian friends, at a time when she most needed it, that the world is a magical place; a world of intentions: a world of friends. It can be a different place, than the terrible things we see around us and in the news, depending on which side of the road you decide to sit at.

One of my Australian angels is Karen and ever since the girls sent me a pack of angel cards, I have felt it was for me a message to help others, which has been happening for more than five years now.

Thank you all. I love you. Lola and my highest self: the Universe…

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