What happens when you die? Jurgen Ziewe & Cyrus Kirkpatrick
Artist & Author Jurgen Ziewe has been having Out Of Body experiences for over 40 years. He started meditating in 1969 and as a consequence spontaneously left his body at times, chronicling his astral adventures in his wonderful books, see below.
We are joined by Author & Astral traveller Cyrus Kirkpatrick as we discuss what can happen when we leave this world. ENJOY!
Jurgen followed a strict regime of meditation since 1969. In 1973, after a six month stint of intensive meditation for up to five hours a day, he decided to abandon the practice completely, being disappointed with the lack of progress and some negative side effects. Then one day out of the blue, at breakfast, he spontaneously experienced a total dissociation from his body and entered a state of what he described as one of absolute clarity. After this he continued his meditation practice, but now paying homage to the experience with more humility than before. He directly attributes the spontaneous Out-of-body experiences that followed for the next forty years to this powerful experience of consciousness singularity.
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Jurgen spent hundreds of hours mostly in a super waking awareness in these out-of-body states, which frequently lasted several hours at a time. He soon mapped out what he considered to be the multidimensional reality man inhabits after physical death.
On one of these non-physical excursions he was met by a Chinese Master who put him through an intensive training process in order for him to reach much higher states of consciousness. In 1980, on one of these OBE journeys, he was taken once more into a state of absolute clarity. This and other significant experiences were chronicled in his diaries and later published in his books, “Multidimensional Man” in 2008 and “Vistas of Infinity” in 2015, by which time he had experienced another singularity event on a solitary mountain retreat, later published in his book, “The Ten Minute Moment”.
Jurgen sees himself as a reporter not as a teacher. His down-to-earth narrative has attracted the attention from the science community and he has recently contributed a chapter to a science publication entitled, “Consciousness Beyond The Body” by Alexander de Foe, where he explores the nature of nonphysical consciousness, in collaboration with other experiencers.
In his working life Jurgen Ziewe is a sought after commercial illustrator with a global clientele. Using the latest CG technology of the film industry has allowed him to document his experiences in alternate realities in a very visual format. His graphic testimonies have been likened to those of Swedenborg and his accounts of the higher spiritual realms give a vivid insight into the infinite strata of human consciousness which is rarely reported in such depth and detail.
- multidimensionalman.com
- Some of Jurgen’s “multidimensional” artwork
- Virtual reality videos
- Celestial-Song – Angel of the Earth – A new virtual reality project between Jurgen and composer Craig Pruess
- Jurgen’s commercial art
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