Craig McMahon created the television series Life to Afterlife, which embodies research and interviews exploring the Afterlife and its relation to life’s purpose. His content also includes positive uplifting spiritual motion pictures.
Craig met Julie at the deepest part of her awakening, three months after her son Dakota transitioned. Julie had a profound transcendence shift in her awareness, a full out of body experience when she saw Dakota’s physical body the night of his death. Through the transition of Dakota, she transcended the grief process and speaks of a new way to evolve through the understanding of death and love and speaks on the Untruth of the Grief process.
Julie is a Reiki Master and Divine Soul who works with the council of Light assisting connections to the spirit world helping restore harmony, balance, and alignment to the worlds. She works directly with many who have had major tragic life events that feel lost or disconnected from their soul. Her mission is to help humanity remember the purpose of life is Love and that the transition of Death is only a continuum.
Julie and Craig McMahon are soulmates who came together at a pivotal point in time through destiny. An example of Unity consciousness, where two souls merge together expressing themselves as One. They think together, evolve together, create a vesica of harmony and love. Julie and Craig’s mission is to assist through their work, the transformation of the new multidimensional human that is part of the new earth.
Dakota Dylan
His Transition, Julie’s Transcendence
Hearing the words from the officer “He’s gone” the day my son died was the moment I made a split-second decision…. to embody a higher perspective when it felt nearly impossible to bear my very reality.
I accepted two things on that day. First, that I knew she meant that Dakota was not breathing, and I accepted that, but I refused to accept the words… He’s Gone.
I knew that wherever his journey was now taking him, I would follow.
I felt the power of my Love for him extending past the very event of his death. I allowed the purpose of it and faced that the most unimaginable thing was now my journey. I wanted to understand where he was continuing his journey, and that gave me my strength where I discovered my purpose.
I kept my HEART OPEN, despite the pain, and a portal was shown to me. A portal that took me into a field of Grace where all Knowing exists.
It was there, that I found not only My Divinity- but Dakota’s. This is our story, his death transition, became my transcendence.
Dakota has shown me the staircase to the Divine Realms, the way of the Heart, and the Truth- there is No Separation. We are souls that come from Pure Love and Light, and within you is a Kingdom of Unconditional Love from which you are never separated.
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