Judy Carroll The Zeta Message

Judy Carroll

Judy Carroll was born in Queensland Australia, her family background is Creole (South American/Spanish), English and Romany (Gypsy). She left school to pursue a career as a professional Flamenco Dancer, following in the footsteps of her Grandmother, who was a dancer and clairvoyant medium in the Romany tradition. Judy feels that this background has helped her to assimilate the encounters she’s had with the Grey ETs, since early childhood. Sixty years of these ongoing and at times fully-conscious encounters has given her a deep insight into this phenomenon which is happening to many thousands of people world-wide. Being born into a Romany family has also given her insight into “being different,” among fellow humans and its effect on the psyche.   

The author of five books in the Zeta series, Judy’s mission, along with other blended souls now incarnated as Earth humans, is to be an inter-planetary ambassador, introducing more clarity and deeper understanding of what has happened here in the past, offering understanding of present time global events, and providing guidance on how to heal our future as a planetary civilization.

Her fifth book, Cosmic Spirituality: Blending Religion and Science in Oneness, offers a fresh look at spiritual concepts familiar to us, providing an overview of spirituality in relationship to Earth’s religions and practices as seen by the extra-terrestrial beings who have been visiting our planet since time immemorial.

Judy’s Zeta series explores her ET connections; in the first two, The Zeta Message and Human by Day, Zeta by Night, she explained her life-long connections to the Zeta Greys.

Visit Judy Carroll website here  

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Her next book, Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth: Lessons in History, she revealed that she is a “blended” soul, and this pre-birth choice enables her, and other beings incarnated on Earth now, to live a “double life,” with access to the collective consciousness of both planetary cultures in order to carry out an ambassadorial mission/role.

Her fourth book in the Zeta book series, An Interview with an Alien: Comments by an Undercover ET, challenges the authenticity of the popular book, Alien Interview by Lawrence R. Spencer, which offered information about the Roswell crash. There has been rising concerns and doubts cast upon its validity of the contents of the Alien Interview document. With Judy’s unique position of being able to access the memory of the Soul Group involved with the Roswell event, she offers a different perspective on events.

Visit Judy Carroll website here  

Judy and Paula Jane are the hosts of the YouTube podcast, Just Love. In their weekly podcasts, they explore ETs, cosmic spirituality, alternative realities, current events affecting the world.



Judy Carroll on ATP Media in 2020

A Full awakening and connection to ETs came in 1983, at age 30, with a daytime encounter during which several Greys appeared to her in full daylight and she recognized them as family. She was given a massive download of information and advice regarding the mission being carried out on Earth, the part she was to play in it, and further studies she needed in order to undertake this role to the best of her ability. The Visitors advised her to meditate, to facilitate easier telepathic communication, to study Tai Chi and natural healing. Judy did 8 years of training in a meditation development group where she learned channelling and automatic writing. And 6 years Reiki training to Master level. Judy has been a qualified Tai Chi and Qi Gong instructor for over 30 years.

In 1995 another encounter occurred at a sacred site in the UK, where a long needle, with a crystal on the end, was inserted into her brow chakra point. The purpose of this was another major download of information when she was asked by her ET family to write a book on ET/Earth human contact, but from the ET perspective. She fulfilled this mission when Human by Day, Zeta by Night was published in 2011.

In 2000, Judy was led to find the final piece to another book when Helene Kaye contacted her asking for assistance for her family who was going through intense, and frightening paranormal experiences. This activity turned out to be genuine extraterrestrial contact, aimed specifically at the two children of the family, during which a second Grey teacher made his presence known through Helene’s daughter. This “connection” led both women to understand their deep connection and to co-author The Zeta Message: Connecting All Beings in Oneness.

After the books were released in 2011, Judy attended a meeting on an ET ship that involved a discussion on the past and present situation on Earth, including the hijacking of the planet many millennia ago. In light of this, a third book was suggested, to cover the ET history of Earth, the hijacking of the planet by a rebel force and the subsequent manipulation of scriptural accounts of events that took place in the distant past. In Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth: Lessons in History. During this time Judy’s full comprehension that she was a blended soul surfaced, which allowed her to be consciously aware of both her human and Zeta aspects.

Visit Judy Carroll website here  

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