Jeff Granville

Jeff Granville and Makoy on ATP Media

When Jeff Granville faced a parent’s greatest nightmare, little did he know that a calm inner mental practice of visualisation and breathing, or what is seen today as mindfulness, would save a life. On December 30th 2014 Jeff’s 4 year old son Makoy suddenly became very ill. During the medical procedures to save his life, Jeff used mindfulness to sooth and care for Makoy as he was going through spinal taps and other invasive procedures..

”There are plenty of dark clouds, it is up to us to make the silver lining.”  Jeff says.

For much of his life Jeff was fascinated with the human connection between science and spirituality. Historically, science and spirituality have been seen as polar enemies, but now, with the understanding of quantum physics, we, become the connection where science, biology and spirituality merge. Without biology, science and spirituality can’t exist. They are the constructs of the human mind.

Jeff  is a 5th generation inhabitant of the San Juan Islands, growing up around the waters of the Pacific Northwest. He is a father of 8, and Grandfather of 6 beautiful children..Today Jeff shares his story in the hope it will resonate with all that are capable of receiving it.

After Makoy was diagnosed with a rare form of T-cell Leukemia, Jeff became a Mindfulness Practitioner and formed the nonprofit, Mindful Presents, to bring the gift of mindfulness, coherence and controlled breathing to pediatric patients, families and care providers.

Jeff is the Founder of

Over a hundred years ago, Albert Einstein theorised that a photon was both a particle and a wave. Quantum physics has since proven, with experiments such as the dual slit experiment and the Wheeler experiment that this is a fact. Now the teachings of Nassim Haramein shows us that every proton is actually a subatomic black hole. Every atom in the universe fluctuates between particle and wave at the speed of light. When we pray, meditate or become coherent, we rhythmically align this fluctuation. In these coherent states, we become more wave than particle. We spend more time connected to source field energy, also known as ‘God’.

We have the connection to creation. Bruce Lipton, the cellular biologist that founded the field of epigenetics and authored the book The Biology of Belief, teaches us that your perception of your environment creates your physical reality. Dr. Joe Dispenza, in his book You are the Placebo, clearly illustrates the neuroscience behind the placebo effect. Greg Braden has traveled the world researching the common practice all ancient civilizations had in connecting with the hearts intelligence.

April 2022

Listen to Jeff speak with the group in the Inner Sanctum Online Sessions.

At the core of every human-being, there is a divine wisdom that knows who you really are...

What your soul prefers… This deep knowing from the soul speaks through the heart to the gut, brain and mind-body… Allowing the ego or social-environmental influences to lead you away from this divine wisdom is the root cause of all dis-ease and manifests in the body as symptoms.

Healing is the process of finding out who you really are and then living true to yourself.

‘’As a pioneer in the field of epigenetics, I applaud and honor the profoundly important contribution Jeff Granville has provided in enhancing pediatric care in specific, and medicine in general. Mindful Presents is a valuable resource that can engage self-healing and the opportunity to reclaim sovereignty over our health and our lives’’…. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., stem cell biologist and pioneer in epigenetic science.

”Every thought and emotions become the physiology of your body”       

Jeff Granville Endorsement


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