JASMUHEEN has been a meditator since 1974, in her work she specializes in deep inner plane journeys, using the alchemical meditative process to allow people to merge even deeper with their own enlightened nature.
She is an Ambassador of Peace for the Embassy of Peace, who has traveled since 1994 achieving many positive things around the world with her work with tribal cultures in Colombia, the Amazons and the slums in Brazil. Jas has worked with various levels of government including presenting at the UN in Vienna in 2013.
Jas has been instrumental in helping to educate millions into better global resource usage, via developing a stronger connection to the Divine resource within.
Since 1993 Jas has been personally nourished by Prana, living without the need to take in physical food. In her tours each year, Jas shares updates into her research on this, providing deeper connections and insights into the Essence Ocean and the Pure Love channel that feeds us all. She discusses spontaneous healings, and shares insights on our current evolutionary status on earth, according to the Divine Feminine and the Light Beings she works with. Jasmuheen has also blended with her future life as a Commander with the Intergalactic federation of Worlds and is trained in Inter-dimensional Energy field Science. Jas has written many amazing wonderful books, see some of them below.
jasmuheen.com selfempowermentacademy.com.au embassyofpeace.net
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Thought Leader and teacher of Deliberate Creation KAren Swain brings you wisdom from many spiritual teachers, thought leaders, change makers and difference makers on ATP Radio & Media. KAren is here to help you expand your awareness of what is possible and to remind you of your powers to create. KAren teaches from her broader perspective and guides; Blissful Beings
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