Inspiring stories

A few inspirational stories sent in by our friends.

Let your stories tumble out – each person has treasure chests full of stories, Let’s hear them!

Click links to read their stories.

Pam’s Story Sydney             Synchronicity makes me laugh

Keith Ready; Sydney            Reflecting on the Good Time  /  A Different Perspective

Saowanee; Bangkok             I needed to get a job

Edie Weinstein; USA           With KNOWING and Love the seeds of our dreams grow

From Kathy; Sydney            My daughter’s dream house

From Lisa ; California          Timing: I want to tell you something about my partner and me.

From Lola; Argentina           Earth Angels; Once upon a time there was a lonely lady named Lola

From Mary; Colorado           Abundance: Cool, huh?  It only took overnight!

From Darryl; Sydney            Miracles: No one on this planet knew what I had asked for; yet all did.

From KAren; Sydney           Forgiveness: You deserve an Academy Award!

From Lisa; Australia            “Wouldn’t it be nice if…….?”

From Lesia; Sydney             Taste the beauty of letting go

From Janice McNamara      Your strengths is in me

Everyone has an inspirational story to tell, we want to hear yours!

Send us YOUR Story on our contact page



How are we really the creators of our life?

We believe the message of how to live connected to your inner guidance and allow your energy to flow is Essential Knowing.

Do we have a say in every detail of how life shows up or is there some other relationship between the Universes our thoughts and desires, we need to understand?

There is more we can do to allow our dreams to come true. Can we really live a life of freedom to be, do and have anything we want?

It is your asking that creates the Universe and your receiving that makes this time on this Planet, the leading edge. Are you open to receive what you have been asking for?

Self empowerment is always about self guidance

Feeling connected to your higher self, inner being, or broader perspective and receiving messages or guidance is all about Listening. Everyone on the planet has access to clear precise higher guidance. The question is not who is receiving? But, who is listening?

I believe we are all receiving higher wisdom all the time, although we may not have access to it in our current emotional state, or through our current belief systems. Everyone on the planet channels source energy and increase this connection to source when they are loving, adoring, appreciating and feeling good. The better you feel the more connected you are.

How do I learn to listen and receive higher guidance?

Many people have asked me this question and my answer is always the same. The best way to receive anything is to first have the desire and then RELAX about how it is going to happen, because if you have asked it will surely happen.

Your work is to find that place of confidence or knowing you can trust what you feel.

On this website I have some of the tools that helped me tap in, turn on and tune into my higher or broader knowing. It has been for me all about TRUST. Trust that it is happening and that I can trust that what I am receiving is the right message for me and for the ones I am talking to. The way to know is to feel it. If you feel good when you are receiving the thought or the message, then it is right for you. If you do not feel good, it is not right for you.

Have fun and enjoy the journey. KAren Swain

Reminders From Home



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