Born in Japan HaRuKo Blue Star Child is a multi-dimensional artist, musician and author. Growing up in a Japanese patriarchal society and a Catholic school, HaRuKo kept her connection to spirit and her fire to rebel against conformity alive. After high school, she responded to an almost urgent calling to come to America in 1987. Coming from another country and living as a single woman, it’s been a step by step process of self-discovery in finding her truth and full expression. In 1999 HaRuKo started receiving transmissions from Source through drawings, guided by Angelic Rabbit-like Light Beings, who became way-shower and teachers to the multidimensional worlds.
HaRuKo discovered her deep heart’s desire to deliver love and inspiration from the Heart of Creator/Source through art. This joy led to channeling multi-dimensional Light Codes, Divine Feminine Sacred Geometry, and Blue Prints of New Earth, on her free-hand large scale drawings.
Her drawings transmit the energies of various dimensional worlds; such as Ascended Masters, Elohim & Seraphim, ArchAngels & Angels, Fairies, Elementals, ETs, Ancient Civilisations and other star systems. They are like a living cosmic encyclopaedia, and activate our remembrance and light codes within us. Recently she started to share the light codes through her voice and flutes.
She now has a Blue Star Child Gallery in Mount Shasta, California, which is a multi-dimensional portal and sacred temple, where people can be activated, aligned, inspired and feel at home, by the Source Light at the deep soul level. HaRuKo also shares her work through Social Media.
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/AccentuateThePositive/haruko-blue-star-child/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]
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