Ellyn Dye NDE The Lion People

NDE ellyn dye

Near Death Experiencer, healer, and spiritual teacher Ellyn Dye, speaks about her NDE and how she met her earthly spirit family and her ancient spirit family and guides from another world in the afterlife, Lion beings. We explore her relationship with the Lion people who appeared as giant beings of Light, and how they serve humanity and can help you navigate this earthly world.

Ellyn  is an Author, Intuitive Life Coach, Vibrational Catalyst, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Metaphysical Teacher, and Public Speaker, speaking around the USA about NDEs and the Great Shift.  Ellyn  has been a guest on numerous radio shows and was featured in the movie, Back from The Light, a documentary about the after-effects of Near-Death Experiences

Ellyn’s metaphysical fantasy novel is, The Search for the Crystal Key—an adventure for all ages with information she learned during her NDE about how life works. (Get the book below, click the cover image.)

She is writing a new book, Creating Heaven on Earth… One Soul at a Time;  A How-To Manual, from the Perspective of a Near-Death Experience.

For more information about Ellyn or to sign up for her newsletter, visit her website: www.LionMagic.com


Get Ellyn’s Book below click the image

The Lion people


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