Desda Zuckerman

Your Sacred Anatomy with Desda Zuckerman.

Listen to my latest conversation with Desda March 2019 

Born an intuitive with extraordinary clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient abilities, ( which we chatted about in  our other conversation in 2017) Desda has made an in-depth study of the subtle energies she has witnessed around all living things. What began as a personal quest for understanding, blossomed into a comprehensive mapping of Human Energy Anatomy and its precise application. This has been distilled into Conscious Intelligence™ an intentional healing modality.  For the last 30 years, she has quietly taught classes, trained apprentices, and led healing sessions with thousands of clients. At last, these Sacred Anatomy teachings are revealed to benefit all healers, seekers and students of human potential both in person and online. (which we will talk about)

Desda spent the better part of her life working to understand and use her abilities, which lead her to work in the field of psychic awareness and research, where she observed and mapped human spiritual or energy anatomy.  She was a well-known California trance medium and professional psychic for seventeen years until she retreated to refocus her energies and concentrate on inner growth in 1986. She also pursued a separate career as a professional singer alongside her husband Bob, in the San Francisco Bay Area from the late 1960’s until retiring from music in 1998. A master dowser, she became one of the top space clearers and Earth workers in the world before redirecting her attention to work exclusively with the health and well being of people and their Human Energy Structures. Desda’s work also supports others in the development of their  own extra-sensory skills and abilities.

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Your Sacred Anatomy with Desda Zuckerman. A new paradigm for transformational change based on the subtle energies of the Human Structure.

I chat with spiritual teacher and mentor Desda Zuckerman about so many wonderful things. Our energy body and how to use it . How to not pick up other people’s pain when healing or tuning into them. We do an exercise in feeling the energy centre and expansion of the subtle energy body.

We chat about her journey of healing and discovering her profound teachings and I tell a few stories from my time discovering my powers to perceive and channel. This is such a wonderful conversation with a beautiful open heart and inspired mind. Make sure you stay to the end…



Get Desda’s Fascinating Book below…

It is a Must for any discerning Energy Worker and Deliberate Creator

Visit Desda’s website here  Desda Zuckerman on ATP Media

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