David Kennett AURIA

When David became unemployed in 1998, he began a passionate research into forestry practises in Australia, discovering practises that challenged many deeply entrenched beliefs. He recognised that traditional forestry methods, inherited from Britain, were possibly not the most appropriate for low rainfall regions of Australia.

With an interest in water divining – he wondered whether this little understood talent – might be able to reveal hidden secrets about nature, trees, and plants in general. When he ‘divines,’  his ‘default setting’ is to locate underground flows of water, as water is so important to life and the land.

It was with this interest, he became aware that, through our ‘sixth sense’ we are connected to something beyond our imagination. Finally he thought, if ‘something’ is able to tell me where there is water, and the depth to it, the quality of it and the rate of flow, what else might ‘it’ be able to tell me?  He discovered he could divine for water – not just on site – but also on a map, even a sketch of a property, and now a Google Earth image, anywhere on the planet.

He set himself a goal of discovering ways to make farm forestry in low rainfall districts a financially-rewarding and effective means for addressing environmental issues. David felt convinced that if sufficient farmers were to come on board and implement effective forestry methods, by planting just a modest 5% of their cleared land, they would collectively produce worthwhile benefits for rural economies and the environment in general.

David has taught thousands of students in Nepal, how to develop their inherent ‘sixth sense’ – where they have been able to obtain amazing results, in a multitude of different fields.. The ‘Auria Arid Region Forestry Research Project’ was begun by David  in 2001, when he purchased 440 acres of highly degraded land, in a low rainfall region of Western Australia. By 2010, the project was enlarged to cover 600 acres and in excess of 500,000 trees have been planted. In recognition of its accomplishments, ‘Auria’ was a finalist in the category ‘Meeting the Greenhouse Challenge’ in the 2009, United Nations Association of Australia, ‘World Environment Day Awards’. In 2011 he was again a finalist, this time in the ‘Individual Award’ category. 


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