Angel Eye

Daily Meditation

Who am I ?

I am Powerful, as I have the ability to choose my thoughts and vibration.

I am free to think and feel anyway I want to feel.

I am Ultimate Choice.

I am an extension of source energy experiencing a physical lifetime adventure.

I am God Force incarnate in physical form.

I am Pure Potential existing in a field of All Possibilities.

I am Powerful Beyond Description.

I am so much more Source Energy than anything else, that when I indulge in anything that is not lined up with the liquid Love that I know my source to be, I feel the discord as negative emotion. I feel out of balance, because I know myself to be so much more…

I am selfish in my pursuit of my connection to my source and my selfish nature is everything that you would want me to be. Because when I am selfishly maintaining my connection to my source, which is my ability to feel good …

I am Helpful,  I am Kind, I am Loving, I am Caring and Carefree. I am Wise, I am Intelligent, I am Funny, I am Talented, I am Clear Minded, I am Joyous, I am Healthy, I am Strong, I am Radiant, I am Inspiring, and Inspirational.

I am who I have always known I can be.


I am the Pure Potential of God Force existing in a physical, form expressing myself in any way I choose to be.

I will no longer make anyone else’s decisions about who they choose to be, responsible for my disconnection to the joy and the brilliance that I know is me.

 I am not responsible for anyone else’s connection, I am responsible only to my own connection,  but my connection will inspire others to feel more connected.

I am FREE to Be ANYONE I Want to Be.

My only Responsibility is to the Way I Feel.


Awakening to your true nature

For Sessions and Readings wit KAren & Blissful Beings please see our guidance page Readings with Blissful Beings or contact us below to set a time and date for a session.





Mind and Heart

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