Get Awakened By Death:

Personal Stories of Transformation

Proceeds Supporting children and families on their enlightenment journey through the

Jesse Lewis Choose Love foundation


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Awakened By Death; Stories Of Transformation is  Book One in The Awakening Soul Series  

Cyrus Kirkpatrick and I discuss the latest book ‘Awakened By Death; Stories of Transformation’, the authors and what you will expect to find inside. We also have an in depth discussion about astral travel and the many realms of the afterlife . This is a fascinating conversation. Enjoy! Read more on the website below.

This book is about transcending the definition of what we think of as death. It’s about knowing we are loved, supported and life is happening for our benefit, even in the face of tragedy. It is about remembering we are eternal beings, who live beyond what we have come to know as our home, here on earth. It is about seeing life from a completely new perspective, knowing what we experience while we are here on earth, is just one part of a very big story that is the journey of our soul.

Awakened By Death is a compilation of 12 personal stories from people who have been through some of the most horrific and challenging times and came out of this better, wiser, more connected to humanity, their spiritual purpose, and have gone on to inspire the lives of many others.


    1. Sandra Champlain: We Don’t Die
    2. Nancy Rynes; Hit By A Truck
    3. Dave Byron; The Girl With The Frangipanis in Her Hair
    4. Krista Gorman; I Died To Learn How To Live
    5. Frances Rae Key; A Lifetime of Evidence
    6. Elisa Medhus: Love never Dies
    7. Garnet Schulhauser: Talking To The Dead
    8. Cyrus Kirkpatrick: The Second Earth​
    9. Scarlett Lewis; I Choose LOVE
    10. Yvonne Ballard; Heaven is Empty

When I was a young girl going through many of the traumas and dramas within my family, I was given a message. A message which has the potential of ceasing all war, and much of the fear we are living with in this physical world. It is the message the authors in this book have come to know through their own life experiences, and when we realise this message as our truth, life on this planet will be completely different for all who inhabit it.The fear of death underpins every survival fear we have. Fear of not enough, fear of getting sick, fear of rejection, and on it goes. When humanity realises we are here on this beautiful planet for a short adventure, and after we have finished we will return from whence we came—back to a world of unconditional love and infinite possibility, we may start to enjoy the adventures and challenges we have here in this environment. We will see them for what they are, lessons in expansion and spiritual growth.

In this book I have gathered together some of the most incredible stories around the experience of death I have come across. As a teacher of deliberate creation, and through my radio podcast show, I have met and had conversations with some amazing souls who have first-hand experience of death in all its myriad of forms.

Some have experience the loss of a beloved child through a terrorist attack or a shooting, some have experienced their own deaths resulting in an NDE (near-death experience,) either from an illness or a medical mishap, and some have experienced different realms of existence, realms that can be places people go when they leave their physical bodies. Further, some have explored all of it in a passionate search for meaning and to alleviate their fears around the death experience. Some of these topics are controversial. For instance, many people say we do not die until we leave our physical body and don’t come back, and so the near-death experience is not what happens when we die, but it’s just an out-of-body experience we have to an interim place of our own creation to commune with our guides and loved ones in spirit, to receive a message, or to remember something we need to take back into our lives.

Nonetheless, this book is not about the semantics of if people died or not, it is about the transformation a human personality can experience when confronted with something that has long been believed as the most traumatic experience of our lives—death!

We see death every day on the news, and hear it reported on an hourly basis: The death toll, the tragedy, the terrible horrific horror of it all. Our scary movies are only scary because we believe the very worst thing that can happen is we get killed. The tragedy of death has been so perpetuated in our society as the worst thing that can possibly happen to us. As a young healer when I looked out into the world and thought; how can I help? How can I alleviate some of the suffering in this world? I saw that helping people overcome the perceived trauma of death, showing them it is not the ending we think it is, seemed to be the thing that would do the most good. To let people know there is NO DEATH and even though our physical body may cease to exist, our mind and soul live on to explore and experience other adventures in the infinitely vast creations of the eternal reality.

I know you will enjoy the journey we take you on through the pages of this book, we look forward to hearing your comments and knowing how reading these stories transformed your life.

Enjoy! Big Love KAren Swain.

Meet Our Extraordinary Authors

KAren Swain; The Message

After the death of her mother when she was 16, KAren set forth on a journey of Awakening as she sought answers to the many questions that plagued her about who we are beyond this world, why we are here and how to awaken to our true spiritual nature. She shares her story receiving messages from her family and friends in spirit after their death. Today KAren is a Spiritual Mentor, Educator and Guide, Radio/Podcast Host of ATP Media, Author, Inspirational Speaker and Creator of the Awakening Soul Book Series . KAren enlightens you to the power of your thoughts and beliefs, how they create your world and how to live in alignment with your emotional guidance system.

Cyrus Kirkpatrick: Second Earth

Cyrus Kirkpatrick, author of “Understanding Life After Death,” explores the many different environments we can play in when we transition and while we are asleep or meditating. Cyrus has had many out-of-body experiences cruising the astral plains, and he is aware and conscious he is living in two environments, Physical and Astral. Cyrus is an avid traveler, author of many books and publisher. He enjoys going places other people don’t. He works as an independent writer, appearing in media like the Los Angeles Times and BBC London and worked in North Korea. Read more about Cyrus here. & visit Cyrus’s website here.

Cyrus Kirkpatrick
Sandra Champlain

Sandra Champlain: We Don’t Die

Sandra Champlain’s fear of dying lead her on a 15-year journey to find proof that life after death is real. After the death of her father, she created ‘How to Survive Grief‘ a free audio guide which was quickly heard by thousands worldwide. In her chapter she outlines many of the experiences she went through on her search for proof and meaning. Have a listen to Sandra’s story on ATP media with KAren. She is the author of the #1 international, best-selling book, “We Don’t Die – A Skeptic’s Discovery of Life After Death” and host of “We Don’t Die Radio.” She is the subject of the documentary film, “We Don’t Die.” See more here

Dr Elisa Medhus: Love Never Dies: My Son in the Afterlife

After the tragic suicide of her twenty year old son Erik in 2009, Elisa started a Blog called Channeling Erik to channel her grief, which would not only transform her life, but would transform all who comes across it. Elisa was an internist in Houston for over thirty years. Since her son’s suicide Dr. Elisa Medhus retired her practice and has written two books about her continuing relationship with Erik. 1. My Son and the Afterlife: Conversations from the Other Side (October 2013). 2. My Life after Death: A Memoir from Heaven”. Erik’s writes from heaven, received by Medium Jamie Butler, is about life in the Afterlife. Elisa created a blog,, which now over 50,000 subscribers.

elisa Medhus
krista gorman nde

Krista Gorman: I Died & Learned How To Live

Krista Gorman, PA-C is a physician’s assistant in ER. In the summer of 2000 during induction of labor, what should have been a routine procedure turned into a medical nightmare that nearly took Krista’s life, and the life of her unborn baby. During that time, her soul transitioned to the afterlife where she was engulfed in a most profound blissful love, a love that completely transformed her. She encountered spirit beings that wanted her help, and other spirit beings that gave her the choice to return with the condition of using and sharing what she learned with others. Fear prevented her from doing it, and fear ruled her as she struggled for many years integrating back into her old life. When crisis hit her family, Krista knew it was time to start living the life she came back to live, and fulfill the promise she made in the afterlife. Visit Krista’s Blog here


Scarlett Lewis: I Choose Love
‘Nurturing Healing Love’ is the message Scarlett Lewis’s 6 year old son Jesse, left on their kitchen chalkboard the day he was shot and killed at his school during the Sandy Hook school massacre in 2012.
On December 14th 2012 Scarlett Lewis went through something that no mother should ever have to experience when her 6-year old son, Jesse, died bravely trying to lead his classmates to safety during the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings. Today Scarlet, the Author of Nurturing Healing Love: A Mother’s Journey of Hope and Forgiveness. She is spreading a message of Love and Forgiveness to families, in schools and throughout the world, through her Enrichment Programs and the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation, this book proceeds are supporting.

Dave Byron : The Girl With The Frangipani In Her Hair

Father of Chloe, killed in the Bali Bombings in 2002, Dave Byron is finding Happiness every morning by making a powerful choice. He has the BEST attitude to life. Dave is one of the most inspirational men I have spoken with. Dave reminds us that it is a daily choice to think in a way that feels good or feels bad, when you hear his story you will agree. Losing your child in an act of terrorism, is a reason to feel bad. But after years of hating, crying, blaming and feeling bad, he decided he had a choice to live again. To think in a way that feels better than the story of his loss. See more here

Frances Ray Key:  A Lifetime of Evidence

Frances was born in Guantánamo Bay Cuba to an Australian mother and American father who met during World War II. On October 9, at the age of 86, Gloria Crystal “Teddy” Key passed away at her Florida home. Nineteen days later, her lilting Australian voice began to communicate with her eldest daughter, Frances, about the scope and wonder of her new perspective from the afterlife state. Frances experienced an afterlife communication with her which began the most astounding writing project of her life. The rush of information she received from her mother was so intense, it resulted in a series of books, “The Team: A Mother’s Wisdom from the Other Side.” This remarkable collection of insights, written in less than a year and divided into four books, has astounded friends, family and a growing circle of readers with its unique analogies, with, depth of wisdom, and unusual outlook on the human experience.

Nancy Rynes: Hit By A Truck; Atheist Goes To Heaven

In 2014, Scientist and self professed atheist Nancy Rynes, was hit by a truck while riding her bike. During the operation that would put her body back together, Nancy experience an NDE that would transform her life, receiving many messages from spiritual guides on how we can be more divine and live our best life. Today Nancy is a spiritual explorer, making the path to a love-filled life clearer for seekers the world over. Nancy is a leading voice for personalizing the wisdom of Near Death Experiences, developing our heart-centered intuition, and living a life of inspired creativity. Drawing on Heaven’s transformational wisdom learned during her own NDE, she integrates the teachings of love, compassion, kindness, gratitude, and joy, that forms the foundation for a contented, meaningful life. Her book Awakenings from the Light dives into these and other topics, giving the reader concrete examples of how to make Heaven’s wisdom a very real part of life on Earth.. Visit Nancy’s website here

Garnet Schulhauser: Talking To The Dead

A once conservative catholic corporate lawyer, Garnet Schulhauser has some extraordinary out of body experiences throughout the cosmos, after he was stopped in the street by a homeless man in 2007. This homeless man was his spiritual guide Albert, who manifested in a physical appearance to awaken Garnet to his mission on earth to enlighten and awaken humanity. Albert continues to show Garnet many untold truths and mysteries about our world, the universe and beyond. Garnet has written about his travels with Albert in his four books, to help humanity evolve and awaken to a new era of consciousness on planet earth. See KAren’s conversations with Garnet on ATP Media here. Visit Garnets website here

Yvonne Ballard: Heaven is Empty

Retired Nurse (Now Transitioned) mother of two, Yvonne Ballard,  a life threatening illness in 2008 which changed the way she viewed everything. During her time in the non physical realm, Yvonne remembered many of the secrets of the multi universes and beyond. She saw her life plan, why she came to earth and what we are all doing here and much more. Yvonne Ballard is a retired RN of 20 years who now lives a gypsy life. Since her NDE in 2008, Yvonne has been channeling her higher selves, the other side, as well as reading the infinite timelines. She is a loving, intelligent eccentric, as only a true aquarian can be. Often confusing and amazing people all at once. Yvonne is a misplaced hippy who loves to travel the world experiencing all there is on this wonderful planet meeting as many interesting people along the way. Find out more here

Ainsley Threadgold: Love Eternal My Soul’s Journey

Ainsley, has been a Police officer since 2005. He currently lives in the UK and is in the middle of writing a book with his full story, which he hopes to finish and publish by the end of 2017. In 2015 he met the love of his life Krista, who also experience an NDE. During the summer of 2016 Ainsley shared a stage with Krista at the IANDS conference (International Association for Near Death Studies) in Orlando Florida. He is currently planning to emigrate to the USA to build a life with Krista. His public Facebook page is the same title as the book he is writting ‘Come and Find Me’ life times of love. Ainsley and Krista also have a shared Web page called

Ainsley Treadgold NDE

See more interviews below

We Support The Jessie Lewis Choose Love Enrichment Program

Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation 'Nurturing Healing Love' is the message Scarlett Lewis's 6 year old son, Jesse left on their kitchen chalkboard just before he was shot down at school, in the Sandy Hook school massacre, in 2012. The words ‘Nurturing’ and ‘Healing’ are a part of the definition of compassion across almost all cultures. Love is the foundation on which happy and healthy lives are built. On December 14th 2012 Scarlett Lewis went through something that no mother should ever have to experience when her 6-year old son, Jesse, died bravely trying to lead his classmates to safety during the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings. ‘Nurturing Healing Love’, is a message that would go on to help his family through this unimaginable tragedy and inspire a global movement to Choose Love. Find out more here

When you buy the book and tell your friends, you HELP us Support charity, we are supporting through the proceeds of the book, children’s emotional wellbeing and education through the CHOOSE LOVE Jesse Lewis Foundation. Bringing enrichment programs into schools. See more here


Teaching children essential life skills through a powerful formula to Choose Love.

Courage + Gratitude + Forgiveness + Compassion in Action =

Choosing Love


I Choose LOVE
Choose Love enrichment program
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