Brandon Thomas


Brandon Thomas is a seeker, philosopher, musician, rancher, avid idea hunter and lover of all things fascinating. He has a long term obsession with interesting people and out-there ideas,  and is the Creator, Producer and Host of Expanding Reality podcast show. His mind expanding experiences at age 18 sent him full strut down the path not taken, forging his own as a Deliberate Creator. His first and highly impactful psychedelic experience, and first spiritual awakening, was ignited by the books “Conversations with God. ” This was his introduction to Unity Consciousness. 

The wake up call held an impossible to ignore feeling, that the picture of reality, authoritative figures are painting as real, did not align with his observation of life around him. This has presented Brandon with an interesting set of lenses to view the world through.

Brandon’s boundless curiosity has empowered him to become a magnet for incredible people. Those of whom he shares with the world by engaging in insightful conversations about fringe topics with mind blowing guests on his show, Expanding Reality. He shares his open heart and love for all life with his wife Mary on their ranch in Texas.

Brandon Thomas is a seeker, philosopher, musician, rancher, avid idea hunter, deliberate creator and lover of all things fascinating. He has a long term obsession with interesting people and out-there ideas, and is the Creator, Producer and Host of Expanding Reality podcast show. His mind expanding experiences at age 18 sent him full strut down the path not taken, forging his own as a Deliberate Creator. His first and highly impactful psychedelic experience, and first spiritual awakening, was ignited by the books “Conversations with God. ” This was his introduction to Unity Consciousness.

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Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Medium and Channel, KAren helps you align with your Soul’s calling. Connect with KAren Swain here https:/ and download her free report ’10 Top Ways to Lasting Happiness’. KAren Swain is a Channel, Mentor, Spiritual Teacher and Way-shower for the expansion of our Powers of Deliberate Creation, invites other teachers and experiencers to ATP Media to expand the conversation of how to evolve human consciousness, expand human potential, overcome adversity, advance human society as we transition to the next evolutionary step in human evolution. Enjoy our conversations. BIG LOVE ksx

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Brandon on Cosmic Conversation for Galactic Alliance and The Conscious Awakening Network

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