Visioning The Future Facebook Live with Jeilene Tracey and KAren Swain
25 September 2020
Tom Barnett is a holistic health practitioner who studied both conventional and alternative methods. He found most of what he learned to be only theory. When faced with his own health issues, he was forced to find real answers. Enjoy. See more here
9 September 2020
3D vs 4D vs 5th Dimensional Reality The Higher-Self Expo Xane Daniel and KAren Swain chat about the difference between 3D vs 4D vs 5 dimensional consciousness and existence, and the Higher-Self Online Expo 12 – 13 September 2020 FIND OUT MORE here…
Vibrational Geneticist Jeilene Tracey, who works with multidimensional beings including the Mantid Beings who are Master DNA Geneticists, joined me live on fb to chat about viruses and the microbiome and how to best work with the energies of the NOW.2020
25 April 2020
I did a facebook live Q & A with Mary Rodwell, (the ET Lady) to chat about what’s happening in the world, the galactic view and what the new kids think and how we can deal with it. Enjoy ksx
Facebook Live Q&A with Suzy Hansen about The Three Waves of Volunteers and how they are being activated and working together during these extraordinary times on earth..
Barbara Jean Lindsey and I did a facebook live to chat about current situation in the world , isolation, what’s going on and how we can make the best of it. Enjoy! Love is stronger than Fear!